Zakat Expert
Asalaamu-alaikum dear friend

Donate 1 Day Campaign Launch 

This month saw the launch of our latest campaign ‘Donate 1 Day’ which aims to raise funds by simply asking people to donate one day’s worth of salary, profit (for a business), pocket money or even grocery shopping on Friday 19th April 2013 insha’Allah. The campaign is really easy to support and a fantastic way to get everyone involved in helping to alleviate poverty in their community. For further information including details of how to sign up, please visit

NZF Shelters: a lifeline to homeless sisters 

Our London shelter continues to provide a vital service to homeless women in need and remains at full capacity 6 months after it was launched. Many sisters have contacted us to volunteer at the shelter and we are now ready to utilise their time and skills insha’Allah. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact [email protected]
Alhamdulillah our shelter in Birmingham opened its doors for the first time last month and we have now welcomed our first three residents at the facility. If you know of a sister who is in need of the service, please get in touch with us. 
The property for the shelter in Manchester is undergoing the final stages of refurbishment this month, after which the landlord will insha’Allah gain building regulations approval from the local council. In the meantime, we are continuing to work with our delivery partner in order to set up the service insha’Allah.


Record breaking month for the Distribution team

The team received a record 68 applications for support this month and distributed £35,534 to needy recipients from all parts of the UK. Unfortunately, we are seeing an increasing number of cases linked to homelessness and domestic violence. Just recently the team received an urgent cry for help from a revert sister who was forced to leave her home due to horrific domestic violence at the hands of her husband. She was facing destitution but alhamdulillah after contacting NZF she is now safe. We are funding her emergency accommodation and other expenses.  
Your support is crucial in order for us to continue supporting cases like this on a regular basis. You can make a difference by directly fundraising for a vulnerable individual or family in need. We will provide you with full details of the actual case for which you will fundraise and keep you updated regarding progress once the applicant has received your support.
Sign up here to receive details of a live case for you to support and help to make a difference today.

Volunteer for SOLACE

SOLACE is a registered charity which was set up in 2010 to provide support services for revert sisters in difficulty.Due to the increasing demand for their services, they have recently launched a major recruitment drive for new volunteers to join their Support Scheme Service. 
SOLACE welcome volunteers from any age but are in great need of volunteers in the 30-60+ age group. They have received requests of help from sisters in their 30s-40s, 50s and even an 81 year old and are therefore in great need of older sisters to come forward and volunteer.
If you have a few hours you can spare each week to support revert sisters in difficulty, please apply to become a volunteer by visiting the SOLACE website.
Please share this information as much as possible and encourage your family and friends to sign up so that SOLACE can meet the huge demand of sisters contacting them for support.

Meet the team @ the following events.

Interfirm Islamic Societies Networking Event – Friday 26th April 2013, 6pm – 9pm 
AlKauthar Course ‘Home Sweet Home’ – Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th April 2013, London 
Jazak Allah khair for your support and du’as for our work, which I pray will always continue as we work towards our vision of a pious, confident, selfless and self-sufficient UK Muslim community, where no individual in need is left abandoned.
Iqbal Nasim
National Zakat Foundation

Helping you bring Zakat to life where you live.