Zakat Expert

A story of transformation!

We regularly receive feedback from those whom we have supported in the past with your Zakat. Just ten days ago, one brother wrote to us with the following message. If you want to know what impact your Zakat is having with NZF, then these words speak for themselves:

“Brother, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but you will stay in my Du’a for the rest of my life. I thank Allah for making you my means for help. Brother, Alhumdulilah I am in a better situation now. I am allowed to work now and by the grace of Allah the Almighty I have found a very good job. Brother, my first Zakat I have paid to NZF already and Insha’Allah I will be paying my Zakat to NZF in the future as well… because that may help someone else…”


Almost £80,000 of Zakat distributed

January was a busy month for our distribution team as they processed and supported 126 cases of individuals and families in poverty. Total distribution amounted to £77,570, which makes us on track to distribute over £1,000,000 of Zakat in 2014 insha’Allah. Our total distribution to date, since inception in 2011, now comes to £1,137,988, with just under 1,100 applications processed and supported. Alhamdulillah, another month of fantastic progress!

Winter campaign closes, raising over £100,000

Our Winter Campaign was launched in November 2013 to raise funds that would help us manage higher levels of demand from our beneficiaries over the cold winter months. Inspired by Ahmed’s story you responded very generously, with over £100,000 raised in a short space of time. Jazak Allah Khair to all of you who contributed. Special thanks to the AlKauthar Institute who organised the Legends of Islam tour, featuring Imam Siraj Wahaj, in support of the campaign.

Two shelter launches on track

The application processes for positions at our homeless women’s shelters in Birmingham and Manchester, as well as the Date Palm Project for prison leavers in London, have now closed. We have been inundated with applications for the five posts and expect to have made final selections by the end of this month insha’Allah.

Don’t miss out on the upcoming launch of the Date Palm Project on Monday 24th February, where the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will be speaking in support of this vital initiative. The event is organised by our project partners, the Better Community Business Network.

Helping you bring Zakat to life where you live.