Frequently Asked Questions
- 1) I usually give my Zakat abroad, why should I give it here in the UK?
- 2) How much Zakat do you give to a recipient?
- 2) How do I know I can trust NZF with my Zakat?
- 3) How much does NZF spend on admin?
- 4) What’s your distribution service? Is it admin?
- 5) How do you make sure those who apply genuinely need my Zakat?
- 6) Do you give Zakat grants to people who aren’t poor?
- 7) Do you fund organisations as well as individuals?
- 8) Why do you use Zakat to also help those seeking education and training, not only those in great hardship?
- 9) Will you publish details about the people you have funded through the Education Fund?
- 10) When will my Zakat be given to people in need?
- 11) How is NZF funded? Do you receive funding from Prevent or lobbying groups?
- 12) How do you ensure the safeguarding of applicants for Zakat?
- 13) Is the money donated given in cash to the eligible recipients?
- 14) I make a regular donation by Direct Debit. Can I change the amount I give?
- 15) I can’t give online due to technical issues on the website. What can I do?
- 16) Can I change my Zakat allocation preferences once I have donated?
- 17) I have donated but have not received a receipt. What do I do?
- 18) Can I have a statement of donations I’ve made to NZF?
- 19) What can I do if I know a Muslim in need?
- 20) Where is my ZakaTracker email?
- 21) Can I give my Zakat to help people in my local area through NZF?
- 22) What’s your refund policy?
- 23) I’ve changed my mind about Gift Aid – what do I do?