Zakat Expert

NZF now accepting Zakat via Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Cryptocurrencies

Enter your amount and select your Cryptocurrency to make your payment.

You will be redirected to BitPay, our preferred crypto partner, to complete the transaction.

If you would like to donate crypto directly to NZF’s wallet or are experiencing issues with BitPay, please email [email protected] for further instruction.

Alternatively, use this link to the BitPay hosted donation page.

Thank you for your support!


Zakat is an ancient tradition but the way you give it doesn’t have to be.   

We’re bringing the 21st century believer one step closer to helping our brothers and sisters in need by leveraging the latest technology. 

If you have Zakat due on your Crypto holdings you can now pay it directly to NZF through the BitPay portal aboveOr, if you want to pay your full Zakat amount in the form of Crypto, you can do that too.

You can also givSadaqah in the form Cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum.  

Try it today – give Zakat in Crypto. 

Is Zakat due on Crypto currencies?

According to our understanding, Crypto currencies are Zakatable. One may pay 2.5% of their Crypto holdings as Zakat or alternatively, pay 2.5% Zakat in one’s domestic currency equivalent to the value of 2.5% of one’s Crypto holdings.

To learn more about why Zakat is due on Crypto currencies click below

Knowledge Bank – Zakat on Crypto Currencies

How can I let NZF know my donation preferences?

Fill in the Giving Form if you are giving using Crypto. In the giving form, you can let us know how you’re giving, when you gave or are giving, what you are giving (e.g. Zakat or Sadaqah), where you’d like your Zakat to go, the amount you are giving.
If you can’t fill in the giving form for any reason, email [email protected] to let us know

  • how you’re giving (bank transfer or cheque), and -if paying by bank transfer- bank reference,
  • when you gave or are giving,
  • what you are giving (e.g Zakat or Sadaqah),
  • the amount you are giving,

Unless we hear otherwise, we’ll apply the ‘let NZF decide’ preferences for where your Zakat goes.

Giving Form

Are Crypto donations anonymous?

We’ve partnered up with BitPay, a leading Crypto platform. To give in Crypto, you will need to register with BitPay and confirm your identity using photo ID. The process usually takes a few minutes to complete.

While Cryptocurrency financial regulations are being developed, KYC (Know Your Customer) processes are required by Crypto platforms for compliance. NZF does not see your ID at any stage.

To tell us how you’d like us to use your donation eg. Zakat, Sadaqah etc. then please do so using our Giving Form.

Giving Form

Is it safe and secure to donate Bitcoin and Ethereum to NZF?

Yes, we’ve selected a provider that we believe offers the best level of protection for our givers using two-factor authentication and AES encryption.

As with all online transactions you should take care when entering your information and follow reasonable security measure with your personal information.

A unique feature of the Crypto currencies is that all transactions where funds move from one wallet to another are publicly visible in a public ledger that forms the basis of the Crypto system – called the blockchain.

At present we have chosen to receive Crypto donations directly as a pilot scheme. Once the infrastructure and providers in the field mature, and, assuming there is demand, we will review integrating Crypto into our standard donation pages.

Worried that the value may be different at the time we convert it? 

Your Crypto donation is converted to GBP at the point of transaction, so the GBP value of your Crypto when you give your donation will be the same amount NZF receives.

When we receive your Zakat payment, we take receipt on behalf of the beneficiaries. This receipt signifies your Zakat obligation being discharged. 

To learn more about when your duty to pay Zakat is discharged click below

Knowledge Bank – When is my duty to pay Zakat discharged?

What is the easiest way to pay Zakat on Crypto?

When you pay your Zakat on your Crypto holding, you can pay your 2.5% using Crypto, just like you would when you pay in Sterling for any Sterling you have. So if you hold 1 BTC, your Zakat liability is 0.025 BTC.

If you experience issues with BitPay or need an alternative method, please reach out to us at [email protected].

How can I ask a question about giving in Crypto?

If you have any questions about how to give in Crypto, please contact us at [email protected]

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