Zakat deductions and liabilities Knowledge Bank Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Money set aside for tax purpose Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Missed Zakat for a deceased person? Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Joint liability in Zakat calculation Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Is the Nisab substracted from one’s total net assets when calculating Zakat? Keep reading Deductible liabilities Is a council tax bill deductible? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If I purchased an asset with an intention to resell contingent upon something, is the asset Zakatable? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If I pay all of my outstanding Zakat immediately, I will need to take a loan and go into debt? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If I owe money to my family member who gave me a loan, can I deduct that loan from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If I have a long-term debt for a number of years, is there any portion that I can deduct from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If I don’t pay an immediate bill, I will be charged interest. Shall I pay that bill off first or the missed Zakat? Keep reading Deductible liabilities If a business has borrowed capital from a bank, what can be deducted from the Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities I have interest to repay on a loan. Is interest deductible? Keep reading Deductible liabilities I have a personal loan taken from my brother. Do I deduct the amount from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities I have a debt which is not payable at all until 3 years. Is it deductible from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities Does a debt impact your Zakat calculation? Keep reading Previous 1 2 3 4 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team Get in touch