Maximise Your Donations Through the NZF Growth Fund
Every £1 in Sadaqah enables us to raise £6 in Zakat. Make a one-off donation or automate it across the upcoming months.

Give Sadaqah
Empower our mission, support NZF Growth Fund, reach more Zakat givers in the UK
By donating to the Growth Fund, you’re helping to create a positive ripple effect across our community. Your contribution will help fund our growth and reach, which in turn, will help increase the number of people we can help through Zakat.
Give Sadaqah
600% return on your charitable investment
Every £1 you donate to our Growth Fund enables us to raise approximately £6 in Zakat.
Multiply Your Rewards
Supporting the NZF Growth Fund is an unmissable opportunity to maximise your impact and multiply your rewards.
We achieve this by investing in activities which help to raise awareness of our work and the need for Zakat to be distributed in the UK. The more Muslims know about our service, the more we can raise in Zakat and help those in need.
Earn Sadaqah Jariyah
By supporting NZF’s Growth Fund, you can earn Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) through the technology projects we invest in.
Developing and upgrading our technology infrastructure enables us to collect and distribute more Zakat on an ongoing basis.
This enables us to serve the needs of more Zakat givers and recipients in a better and more efficient way, allowing the rewards of doing so to flow back to you.
Donate to the NZF Growth Fund Today!
Join us on our mission to connect every Muslim in the UK through Zakat! When you donate to the NZF Growth Fund, you’re making a powerful contribution to the future of the Muslim community in the UK and upholding the third pillar of Islam right where you live.
You’re helping us grow and improve our service so we can be there for every Muslim in their moment of need.