Zakat Expert

Business Zakat Guide

While many Muslims have at least a basic understanding of how to work out their personal Zakat, working out how much Zakat to give when you own a business can leave you in a spin.

  • Everything you need to know about calculating Zakat on your business assets.
  • Step-by-step guide to calculating your business Zakat
  • Clarity on what assets to include
  • Common business Zakat questions answered


This step-by-step guide tells you everything you need to know to feel confident about working out the right amount of Zakat on your business assets.


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    Our Zakat guides will help you to…

    Calculate your Zakat in 3
    simple steps.

    Understand what Zakat is and why it should be paid.

    Discover who is eligible to
    receive Zakat.

    Learn when to pay Zakat and where it can be distributed.

    Do you still have questions?
    Get in touch with our team


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