Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Zakatable assets Zakatable assets Zakat on an asset used by two people Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on a house given on rent Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on a debt which has been partially repaid Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat and “committee” money Keep reading Zakatable assets Why is Zakat is due on paper money? Keep reading Zakatable assets Which investments are Zakatable? Keep reading Zakatable assets What is a business asset in relation to Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets What if my spouse or mature children have missed Zakat, am I responsible to pay? Keep reading Zakatable assets What if my silver is mixed with other materials? Keep reading Zakatable assets What if my gold jewellery is made up of different materials? Keep reading Zakatable assets What if I realised after I gave my Zakat to a person that he was not eligible? Keep reading Zakatable assets What if I missed Zakat for a number of years when I had a lot of money but now I am in debt? Keep reading Zakatable assets Spending Zakat fund on behalf of someone instead of giving them ownership of the fund Keep reading Zakatable assets Do I have to pay Zakat on money someone stole from me? Keep reading Zakatable assets Should a poor person know they are receiving Zakat? Keep reading Previous 1 2 3 4 … 14 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team GET IN TOUCH