It is well known that young Muslims form a disproportionately high percentage of the prison population, with figures on re-offending rates being similarly disheartening.
The aim of the Date Palm Project is to provide a powerful combination of housing, employment and support for young Muslims leaving prison in order to reduce the chances of re-offending and transform their lives. For too long our community has lacked an effective and coordinated solution to solve the “prison problem” affecting young Muslims.
The Date Palm Project will be instrumental in helping prison leavers to achieve their personal aspirations and to gain the skills needed to become as independent as possible within the community.
In order to provide the best possible service to our beneficiaries, the Date Palm Project is a unique partnership between NZF, St Mungo’s Broadway, the Better Community Business Network, members from the Muslim Chaplain’s Association and the Criminal Justice System. Each partner brings its own unique expertise and skills to help tackle the problem of re-offending.
Services Available:
– Emergency accommodation
– Counselling
– Spiritual guidance
– Basic English Classes
– Recreational Activities
– Benefits and resettlement advice
Capacity: 8 men
Location: North London
Launch date: June 2014