Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Zakatable assets Zakatable assets Which business assets do I need to pay Zakat on? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do you pay Zakat on metals? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do you need to pay Zakat on property? Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on pension and retirement plans Keep reading Zakatable assets Can I deduct the monthly payment I make in an interest only mortgage? Keep reading Zakatable assets What is Zakat Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat paid from the company’s account of the shareholders Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on unlawful earnings Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on the remaining balance of a paid contract Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on shares of companies owned by non muslims Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on stocks and shares Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on share investments: determining a proxy for calculation Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on rental income Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on property & other fixed assets Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on Mutual Funds Keep reading Previous 1 2 … 14 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team GET IN TOUCH