Distribution Promise


Givers entrust NZF with their Zakat and NZF commits to distribute their Zakat to those in need.

Many of the people in need who apply to NZF for help are vulnerable due to financial difficulties.

NZF makes the following commitments to givers in the distribution of their Zakat.

We will:

  • Use all Zakat for charitable activity. 
  • Distribute Zakat in a way which is impactful, efficient and caring 
  • Safeguard people who come to us for help, in line with our Safeguarding policy 
  • Provide a distribution service: We will assess applications for Zakat from any eligible Muslim in need in the UK. We will check carefully that each individual applicant is making a valid application and that they are eligible for help. We will check their identity and financial situation. We will take a proportionate approach to risk and appreciate the difficult circumstances applicants are facing while implementing robust processes to honour the trust of the giver.  
  • Distribute the funds to Muslims in need within 11.5 months – a lunar year. Rarely, there may not be enough need in the giver’s chosen fund in that year. If so, we’ll transfer that Zakat to the fund where the need is greatest. 
  • Ask each Zakat recipient for feedback on the service they receive and the impact the Zakat has made on their financial situation and their life. 

To meet this commitment, we will ensure:

  • We build quality assurance into our distribution procedures, and maintain a cycle of continuous improvement and training.
  • Our policies and procedures are checked through a regular internal quality control audit.
  • Our policies and procedures are checked during an annual Shariah audit by recognised scholars.
  • Our financial policies and procedures are checked as part of the annual financial audit by recognised experts.

NZF staff, volunteers and associates will take care to:

  • Always act in the best interests of individuals, respecting and involving those who use our services, providing them with safe and appropriate information that meets their needs and supports their rights.
  • Protect confidential information except where the wider duty of care or the public interest might justify making it known.

What does this mean for givers who give to NZF?

Givers can be confident that people who apply to NZF for help will receive good quality support from people who have the skills and abilities to provide the support safely and to a professional standard.  

What should you do if you any concerns about the way Zakat is distributed? 

Check our Giving FAQs for more detail https://nzf.org.uk/give/giving-faqs/#how-do-you-distribute-my-zakat 

Or get in touch with us via this page here.



Helping you bring Zakat
to life where you live