Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Introduction to Zakat General, Introduction to Zakat Which value shall I use to calculate Zakat on my gold and silver? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat Which month do we need to pay Zakat in? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat Which month do we need to paid Zakat? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat Which debts can be deducted from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat Where should Zakat be distributed? Where should Zakat be distributed? Like a local community tax, and to best achieve Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat When was the command to pay Zakat revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him)? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat When should Zakat be paid on a defined contribution pension scheme? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat When is Zakat obligatory to pay? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What types of gold and silver are Zakatable? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What type of ownership is required of an asset for it to be Zakatable? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What to tell the recipient at the time of discharging the Zakat? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What portion of long-tern and non-current liabilities can be deducted from my business Zakat calculation? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What is the reason behind giving Zakat to the al-Masakin (the needy)? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What is the reason behind giving Zakat to the al-Fuqara (the poor)? Keep reading General, Introduction to Zakat What is the reason behind giving Zakat to the al-Amilin Alayha (the administrators of Zakat)? Keep reading Previous 1 2 3 … 5 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team Get in touch