Zakat deductions and liabilities Knowledge Bank Deductible liabilities Zakat and Tax – Your Questions Answered Keep reading Deductible liabilities Zakat on debt Keep reading Deductible liabilities Should I pay Zakat on my student loan? Keep reading Deductible liabilities Is missed Zakat deductible from this year’s Zakat calculation? Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Intention and Paying Zakat. Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Paying Zakat in instalments for the benefit of a poor person Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Paying Zakat in instalments due to the inability to pay in one go Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Paying Zakat in forms other than cash Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Paying Zakat in advance Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Paying the debt of a sibling with Zakat Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Offsetting stolen money against Zakat payment Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Never made intention of Zakat in the past Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets My friend has promised to repay me a loan but has failed to pay me on the promised date. Do I need to pay Zakat on this amount? Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Money set aside to buy a house which has been agreed to be purchased Keep reading Deductible liabilities, Zakatable assets Money set aside for tax purpose Keep reading Previous 1 2 3 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team Get in touch