Zakat Expert

The Transformative Power of Local Zakat.

When other children were bullying Mariam’s son, the situation led to immense stress for both of them. In her efforts to provide comfort and security for her son, Mariam fell behind on her rent and council tax. The mounting debt and threats from enforcement agencies added to her distress. Mariam had nobody to turn for help and felt alone and scared.

But then she found NZF and breathed a sigh of relief. Thanks to your Zakat, her arrears were cleared, preventing her from losing her home and alleviating the pressure from debt collectors.

Today, Mariam and her son are in a much better place, both emotionally and financially. Your Zakat has given them a fresh start and renewed hope for the future. Mariam expressed immense gratitude, stating that the support has been a lifeline, enabling her to focus on her son’s wellbeing.


Give Zakat

Based on a true story. Names have been changed and stock images have been used to protect identities.

Helping you bring Zakat
to life where you live.