This Ramadan has gone by very quickly, but there’s still time to make the most of this blessed month.
Here are 5 reasons to give Zakat through NZF in the final days of Ramadan:
✅ The need is right here, right now – every 15 minutes we’re getting an application from a Muslim facing poverty and desperation.
✅ Local Zakat is encouraged – Zakat should be given locally and to act as a safety net for those who need it, right on your doorstep.
✅ The opportunity to help is right here, right now – give Zakat directly to help Muslims in need.
✅ You’re in the driving seat – choose where your Zakat is spent across our three funds and how you’d like support costs to be covered. You’ll also be updated when your Zakat is given out and kept in the loop about the impact it’s had through our ZakaTracker service.
✅ Our Zakat policies are certified by scholars – we’re certified by the UK Islamic Shari’a Council and Markaz al-Iftaʾ wa’l-Qada, so you can be confident that your Zakat is valid.
Right here, right now…
Muslims are running out of money and food.
They’re running out of hope.
Please don’t let us run out of Zakat.