NZF CEO Dr Sohail Hanif Advocates for Localised Leadership at the Muslim Council of Britain’s National Conference

Monday 10th June, 2024


Dr Sohail Hanif, CEO of NZF, recently took part in a panel discussion about social mobility within the UK Muslim community at the Muslim Council of Britain’s (MCB) national conference in Birmingham.

This year’s conference, which was held at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, was themed “Leading Change Together: What Next for British Muslims?” and brought together a diverse range of visionary leaders, thinkers, and change-makers from across the UK to discuss pressing social issues facing the Muslim community.

Dr Hanif was featured on the panel alongside Zara Mohammed, Secretary-General of the MCB, and Ian Elliot, Head of People at PwC UK. In his address, Dr Hanif stressed the importance of a more localised leadership model to help meet the needs of Britain’s Muslim communities.

“There is a growing interest in the UK of people trying to organise real local Zakat, which is the priority of the National Zakat Foundation. In our Islamic sacred law, the Sunnah of Zakat is that it’s distributed in the city where people live. That speaks to the need to build an entire infrastructure in every single Muslim community,” Dr Hanif stated. “You can’t have real, localised Zakat without every city, every settlement, every community having people you can trust to really know the needs of local Muslims and if they are being met.”

The panelists discussed various barriers to social mobility faced by the UK Muslim community and explored actionable solutions. Ian Elliot highlighted the role of corporate responsibility and inclusivity, while Zara Mohammed shared insights on community leadership and advocacy.

The MCBx conference, a collaborative platform for leaders, activists, and community members, provided a crucial space for exchanging ideas and forging partnerships. Dr Hanif’s call to action for local Zakat distribution resonated with attendees, many of whom are involved in grassroots community work. Their contributions, as Dr Hanif highlighted, are invaluable and reinforce the value of their efforts in building a stronger UK Muslim community.

NZF continues to champion local Zakat, believing that strong and empowered communities are the foundation of a thriving society. With applications for support reaching an all-time high, NZF remains committed to ensuring that Zakat reaches those most in need within the UK.