Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Zakatable assets Zakatable assets Do I have to take into account the rate of inflation when paying missed Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do I have to pay Zakat on money which belongs to my brother but I am safekeeping it for him? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do I have to pay the Zakat debt first or can I pay money I owe to somebody else? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do I have to pay the entire outstanding balance of Zakat immediately? Keep reading Zakatable assets Do all shareholders have to pay Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets As a taxi driver, do I have to pay Zakat on my cab Keep reading Zakatable assets Are trade receivables Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are there any worldly harms mentioned for not paying Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are there any scenarios where missed Zakat is overlooked and forgiven? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are the fluctuations in net wealth throughout the year taken into consideration for Zakat payment? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are service receivables in a business Zakatable? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are prepaid expenses Zakatable? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are outstanding PAYE bills deductible from our Zakat calculation? Keep reading Zakatable assets Are other precious metals such as platinum & palladium to be included when calculating Zakat payments? Keep reading Zakatable assets General Are intangible assets such as copyright, trademark, patent and goodwill Zakatable? Keep reading Previous 1 … 12 13 14 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team GET IN TOUCH