Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Zakatable assets Zakatable assets Zakat on money set aside to make a voluntary donation (i.e. sadaqah) Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on money locked in an investment Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on inherited cash Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on Gold and Silver Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on gold held by ex in laws Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on fund held in a current account Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on fixed assets in a business Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on diamonds Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on debts owed to you Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on cryptocurrencies Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on child’s benefits gifted to own children Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on Child Trust Funds Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on cheques Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on cash lost somewhere in the house Keep reading Zakatable assets Zakat on cash kept as collateral Keep reading Previous 1 2 3 … 14 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team GET IN TOUCH