Knowledge Bank Find out everything you need to know about Zakat through our Knowledge Bank. Knowledge Bank Knowledge Bank Zakatable assets Zakatable assets I wanted to know if i can give my Zakat in the form of ready-made clothes instead of giving cash? Keep reading Zakatable assets I usually give my Zakat abroad, why should I give it here in the UK? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have thousands of pounds of interest money from previous years. How does this affect missed Zakat? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have not paid Zakat al Fitr for previous years, should I pay it now? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have lost £20 outside and cannot find it. Do I still need to pay Zakat on it? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have lost £100 money in my house, do I pay Zakat on it? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have lent money to a person who keeps defaulting and delaying in paying me, do I still have to pay Zakat on this money? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have bought a property with the intention to resell but I have leased it out until I find a buyer, is the property Zakatable? Keep reading Zakatable assets I have been acquiring unlawful and Haram money for years. Do I have to pay missed Zakat for all these years? Keep reading General, Zakatable assets I have a car which i use to give driving lessons. Do i have to pay Zakat on the money I receive from it? Keep reading General, Zakatable assets I bought some items from eBay to resell, but it has been 6 months and they still have not been sold. Are the items zakatable? Keep reading General, Zakatable assets I bought land and my intention was to resell it after 3-5 years, do I have to pay Zakat every year on it? Keep reading General, Zakatable assets I am repaying my student loan right now. What can I deduct from my Zakat calculation? Keep reading General, Zakatable assets I am owed money for some work I carried out for a client, do I have to pay Zakat on the outstanding amount Keep reading General, Zakatable assets Do I have to pay Zakat if I don’t work? Keep reading Previous 1 … 9 10 11 … 14 Next Do you still have questions? Get in touch with our team GET IN TOUCH